IWWF World Ranking List Skiers

This list shows all performances for a specific tournament submitted without iwwf skier id and if in the IWWF database shows the ID. This page has been published for reference.

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NameSexCountryYOBSlalomTrickJumpTournament Codesubmitted IDID
GRIERA BoscoMMEX200231.5000.017MEX12MEX000000133ID not found
GRIERA BoscoMMEX20020.0000.017MEX12MEX000000133ID not found
GRIERA SofiaFMEX20050.0000.017MEX12MEX000000229ID not found
GRIERA SofiaFMEX200525.0000.017MEX12MEX000000229ID not found
GRIERA ValeriaFMEX200725.5000.017MEX12MEX000000230ID not found
GRIERA ValeriaFMEX200726.5000.017MEX12MEX000000230ID not found
GRIERA ValeriaFMEX200725.5000.017MEX12MEX000000230ID not found
LOPEZ DanielMMEX198429.0000.017MEX12MEX000000262ID not found
LOPEZ DanielMMEX198428.5000.017MEX12MEX000000262ID not found
OTERO C. Carlos Eduardo GregoMMEX196541.0000.017MEX12MEX000000207MEX000207*
QUINTANA PASCUAL RamónMMEX195744.0000.017MEX12MEX000000087ID not found

* in IWWF database - not submitted in record