IWWF World Ranking List Skiers

This list shows all performances for a specific tournament submitted without iwwf skier id and if in the IWWF database shows the ID. This page has been published for reference.

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NameSexCountryYOBSlalomTrickJumpTournament Codesubmitted IDID
SIRERA PéREZ AlexMESP197558.0000.015ESP001ESP292009669ID not found
SIRERA PéREZ AlexMESP197550.5000.015ESP001ESP292009669ID not found
SIRERA PéREZ AlexMESP197556.0000.015ESP001ESP292009669ID not found
SIRERA PéREZ AlexMESP197556.5000.015ESP001ESP292009669ID not found
VáZQUEZ VALLS Sergio KillianMESP197256.5000.015ESP001ESP872010167ID not found
VáZQUEZ VALLS Sergio KillianMESP197255.0000.015ESP001ESP872010167ID not found
VáZQUEZ VALLS Sergio KillianMESP197256.5000.015ESP001ESP872010167ID not found
VáZQUEZ VALLS Sergio KillianMESP197255.0000.015ESP001ESP872010167ID not found
SIMPLICIO GonçaloMPOR200132.0000.015ESP001POR382016456ID not found
SIMPLICIO GonçaloMPOR200138.0000.015ESP001POR382016456ID not found
SIMPLICIO GonçaloMPOR200140.0000.015ESP001POR382016456ID not found
SIMPLICIO GonçaloMPOR200138.0000.015ESP001POR382016456ID not found

* in IWWF database - not submitted in record