IWWF World Ranking List Skiers

This list shows all performances for a specific tournament submitted without iwwf skier id and if in the IWWF database shows the ID. This page has been published for reference.

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NameSexCountryYOBSlalomTrickJumpTournament Codesubmitted IDID
ANGULO AnaFMEX200251.0000.024S259RMEX000000009ID not found
ANGULO AnaFMEX200244.5000.024S259RMEX000000009ID not found
ATTENSAM NikolausMAUT200463.5000.024S259RAUT482019104ID not found
ATTENSAM NikolausMAUT200457.0000.024S259RAUT482019104ID not found
CROSSLAND HarrisonMGBR200749.5000.024S259RGBRGBR482018GBR482018425*
CROSSLAND HarrisonMGBR20075.0000.024S259RGBRGBR482018GBR482018425*
DE OSMA CristhianaFPER200852.0000.024S259RPER072822132PER-Unknown*
DE OSMA CristhianaFPER200843.0000.024S259RPER072822132PER-Unknown*

* in IWWF database - not submitted in record