IWWF World Ranking List Skiers

This list shows all performances for a specific tournament submitted without iwwf skier id and if in the IWWF database shows the ID. This page has been published for reference.

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NameSexCountryYOBSlalomTrickJumpTournament Codesubmitted IDID
BJORLIN EllaFSWE200437.5000.023NOR003SWE302019110ID not found
BJORLIN EllaFSWE200442.5000.023NOR003SWE302019110ID not found
FOSS Jan HenrikMNOR196526.0000.023NOR003NOR622011210ID not found
MARTHINSEN Lars AndreasMNOR197143.5000.023NOR003NOR532011213ID not found
MOSS Andrea BrondboFNOR200437.0000.023NOR003NOR502023339NOR972022711*
MOSS Andrea BrondboFNOR200429.0000.023NOR003NOR502023339NOR972022711*
SEKTNAN BAKLI AgatheFNOR200728.0000.023NOR003NOR972022716ID not found
SEKTNAN BAKLI AgatheFNOR200727.0000.023NOR003NOR972022716ID not found
VALTORP Lars OlaMNOR198350.5000.023NOR003NOR632009981ID not found
VALTORP Lars OlaMNOR198356.0000.023NOR003NOR632009981ID not found
VANG ElineFNOR200333.0000.023NOR003NOR022019766ID not found
VANG LiseFNOR196946.0000.023NOR003NOR892009940ID not found
VANG LiseFNOR196943.5000.023NOR003NOR892009940ID not found

* in IWWF database - not submitted in record