{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs20 [Disabled Dossier]\par Element=etDisabledDossier\par International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation\par 2014 Edition Homologation Dossier - Disabled\par \par \par IMPORTANT NOTICE:\par It is not the intent of this form to add hours of extra\par work to the homologator's job, but rather to provide a\par quick checklist that gives visibility of the technical\par effort to the general skiing public.\par \par \par START OF HOMOLOGATION FORM\par code of competition:15S055 site code: USAS0330\par name of competition:US Disabled Water Ski Nationals 2014\par Date:29/8/2014 31/8/2014\par Venue:Whitestone Lake Estates, Talking Rock, Ga\par Organizing Country:USA\par \par Type of competition (International )\par Were cash prizes or merchandise awarded (Yes/No) (No ) Amount:\par \par Homologator's and Chief Judge recommendation to Tournament Council\par (Fill in R-Record, L-Standing List, N-Not list capable)\par \par Event Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4\par Slalom ( R) ( R) ( ) ( )\par Tricks ( R) ( R) ( ) ( )\par Jump ( R) ( R) ( ) ( )\par \par OBLIGATORY COMPOSITION OF DOSSIER:\par 1 copy of this document including the homologation notice\par \par \par HOMOLOGATOR'S CHECKLIST\par \par If checked and all according to rules put OK in brackets.\par If checked and any variation to the rules put an X in the brackets\par and explain in "Remarks" section on last page.\par Not applicable is NA.\par \par 1. Boats and equipment (W 10.01) (OK)\par 2. Speed Control (W 10.07) ( )\par Maunfacturer:ZO\par Software Version:R\par slalom (OK) OK\par tricks (OK) OK\par jump (OK) OK\par 3. Arrangement for checking skis (W 10.03) (OK)\par 4. Measure lines and handles (W 10.04) ( )\par slalom (OK) OK\par jump (OK) OK\par handles (OK) OK\par 5. Arrangement for checking of skier\par supplied handles (W 10.06) (OK)\par \par 7. Homologation notice posted before start (OK)\par 8. Automatic timing-jump (OK)\par 9. Jump distance indication (W 13.11) (OK)\par 10.Video Jump Distance measurement (W 13.11)(OK)\par Backup - video tape or standard meters (Video )\par \par 11.Automatic timing-slalom All Buoys (OK)\par 12.Position and height of slalom towers (OK) (W 14.05 and W diagram 6)\par 12a. Slalom Officials: 1 boat judge + 2 judges, 1 on each side of the lake\par 13.Slalom buoys (W 14.06) (OK)\par 14.VHS vid/digital slalom endcourse(W 14.17)(OK)\par 15.Trick course checked (W diagram 3) (OK)\par 16.Position and height of trick towers (NA) (W 15.11)\par 16a. 5 Judges ( ) 1 x 3 Judges with video ( ) 2x 3 Judges with video (OK)\par \par 17a. Video Tricks Timing (OK) with Additional judge (OK) Chief Judge ( )\par 18.VHS video/digital tricks (W15.15) (OK)\par \par 19a.Video Tricks Timing system manufacturer (Corson )\par \par SLALOM COURSE TYPE :Single anchor buoys\par 21. ASSG for Disabled V skiers (OK)\par \par JUMP COURSE\par \par \par JUMP MEASUREMENT SETUP\par \par VIDEO JUMP\par \par 40m Test buoy\par Survey x (22.08 ) y (-31.73)\par Video system x (5670 ) y (3960 )\par \par 60m Test buoy\par Survey x (XXX.XX) y (XXX.XX)\par Video system x (XXX.XX) y (XXX.XX)\par \par Manufacturer of Jump Video System :Corson\par \par \par JUMP RAMP\par Width at top (W 13.02a) 4.26 m\par Width at bottom 4.26 m\par Top edge to 6.4m line left side (W 13.02b,h) 6.4 m\par Top edge to 6.4m line right side (W 13.02b.h) 6.4 m\par Top edge to 6.8m line left side (W 13.02b,h) 6.7 m\par Top edge to 6.8m line right side (W 13.02b.h) 6.7 m\par Length underwater from 6.8m line (W 13.02c) 1.27 m\par \par Maximum Deviation from plane\par Diagonal string measurement (W 13.02f) 1cm cm\par Center string measurement (W 13.02f) 1cm cm\par \par (OK/X)\par Apron under water (W 13.02g) (OK)\par Apron full length (W 13.02g) (OK)\par Sighting line (W 13.02i) (OK)\par Secure anchoring (W 13.02i) (OK)\par \par \par Apron Angle (W 13.02k)\par \par jump height 1.42 m (a)\par length of edge of apron from top corner to water 2.84 m (b)\par \par ratio of b/a (0.500) ( )\par minimum 0.883 maximum 0.643\par \par RAMP SETTING\par Right Side Left Side\par Setting Height Length Ratio Height Length Ratio\par 1.50 1.58 6.7 0.236 1.58 6.7 0.236\par 1.65 XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X\par 1.80 XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X\par 1.00 XXX.X XXX.X XXX.X\par 1.25 1.42 6.9 0.206 1.42 6.9 0.206\par NON-VIDEO JUMP\par Note: The following section is only to be completed if the jumps were\par measured by protractors rather than video.\par \par \par Automatic meter system used (Yes/No) ( )\par \par Protractor reading units (Degrees/Grades) ( )\par \par METER SETUP\par \par Distance (T1 - T2/A - B) (XXX.XX meters)\par Distance (T2 - T3/B - C) (XXX.XX meters)\par if not a straight line\par Distance (T1 - T3/A - C) (XXX.XX meters)\par \par Inter-meter angles (if not a straight line)\par T1/A T2/B T3/C\par Meter T1/A XXXXX 180.0 180.0\par Meter T2/B 0.0 XXXXX 180.0\par Meter T3/C 0.0 0.0 XXXXX\par (note shown numbers are examples - fill in with actual\par numbers)\par \par \par SET UP SIGHTINGS\par \par Angle Ramp 15ET\par T1/A upper XXX.X XXX.X\par T1/A lower XXX.X XXX.X\par T2/B upper XXX.X XXX.X\par T2/B lower XXX.X XXX.X\par T3/C upper XXX.X XXX.X\par T3/C lower XXX.X XXX.X\par \par Using average of upper and lower readings (max difference\par 0.1 degrees) list the error triangles with an inscribed\par circle diameter (max 0.15)\par \par inscribed circle diameter at ramp X.XX meters\par inscribed circle diameter at 15ET X.XX meters\par \par Jump system survey results (X-Y coordinates)\par \par X Y\par Ramp XXX.XX XXX.XX\par Table 1/A XXX.XX XXX.XX\par Table 2/B XXX.XX XXX.XX\par Table 3/C XXX.XX XXX.XX\par Buoy 15ET XXX.XX XXX.XX\par \par Attach the computer printout file\par at the end after the Homologation Notice\par \par \par Computer program checked against (OK/X)\par "Computer Benchmark for Computed Distances" ( )\par \par \par \par METER STATIONS\par \par Stability and horizontal level ( )\par Protractors on same vertical line ( )\par Protractor graduations (max 0.2 degrees) ( )\par Radius of protractors (min 0.25 m) ( )\par Accuracy of sighting arms ( )\par \par \par \par \par END OF HOMOLOGATION FORM\par \par It is important to leave the above section in the exact format\par as it will be processed automatically. The following section\par is where free form comments are added and attachments are made.\par \par HOMOLOGATOR'S REMARKS\par \par Give details of any variations of IWWF rules. List any alterations\par to the course, etc. during the competition. List any malfunction\par of equipment. Give any further information which might affect the\par Tournament Council's assement of the homologation.\par Unable to achieve 1.25 lowest possible 1.42 with 6.9 and remains 1.1m under water.\par \par Homologator:\par \par Ed Roberts\par 2455 Stillwater Lakes Dr SW\par Palm Bay, Fl 32908\par Email:ed_roberts@bellsouth.net\par \par Chief Judge:\par \par Dan Van Dyke\par \par Scorer:\par \par Terry Roer\par \par This homologation record has been emailed to Bob Corson, bcorson@comcast.net\par for E&A: email also to Marc Raymond, SKIRAYMO@aol.com\par HOMOLOGATION NOTICE\par \par Tournament Name:US Disabled Water Ski Nationals 2014\par Date:29/8/2014 31/8/2014\par \par We recommend to the IWWF Tournament Council the following class\par of homologation:\par \par \par Event Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4\par Slalom (R ) (R ) ( ) ( )\par Tricks (R ) (R ) ( ) ( )\par Jump (R ) (R ) ( ) ( )\par \par Speed Control Manufacturer:ZO\par \par Software Version:R\par \par Mode for tricks (if applicable):Classic\par \par \par Date _________ ________ _______\par \par Time _________ ________ _______\par \par \par Chief Judge Homologator\par \par ____________________ ________________\par \par \par Note: These recommendations may change during the competition.\par \par \par Remarks:\par \par [Disabled Slalom Course]\par Element=etDisabledSlalomCourse\par TypeHomo=Ranking\par Stations=Polar\par Unit=Minute-Second Degrees\par Distance St1-St2=\par Distance St1-St3=\par Distance St2-St3=\par UseBuoyRadius=0\par G1=11.0632;134.1950;0.2000;\par G2=12.0813;134.8730;0.2000;\par G3=162.5229;132.9610;0.2000;\par G4=161.5020;133.5710;0.2000;\par S1=9.1503;105.4600;0.2000;\par S2=33.1032;76.9080;0.2000;\par S3=43.3145;30.7520;0.2000;\par S4=110.4246;49.5100;0.2000;\par S5=156.5424;64.9000;0.2000;\par S6=153.0604;111.5650;0.2000;\par Si1=11.5513;106.7830;0.2000;\par Si2=29.5803;74.0690;0.2000;\par Si3=49.3443;34.5540;0.2000;\par Si4=113.1946;44.9470;0.2000;\par Si5=152.4646;66.7780;0.2000;\par Si6=155.3020;109.6600;0.2000;\par B 1=14.4014;108.2620;0.2200;\par B 2=15.4602;108.9590;0.2200;\par B 3=24.4837;70.2990;0.2200;\par B 4=26.2338;71.3230;0.2200;\par B 5=54.1644;38.9410;0.2200;\par B 6=55.5810;40.8290;0.2200;\par B 7=118.2507;38.3740;0.2200;\par B 8=116.4029;40.2650;0.2200;\par B 9=148.4617;69.1350;0.2200;\par B10=147.0946;70.2410;0.2200;\par B11=159.1528;107.0970;0.2200;\par B12=158.1009;107.7590;0.2200;\par PG1=7.0444;187.9640;0.2200;\par PG2=7.4522;188.4580;0.2200;\par PG3=166.5858;186.8830;0.2200;\par PG4=166.1807;187.1230;0.2200;\par Tr1=0.2713;104.5630;;\par Tr2=131.0831;111.0350;;\par \par [Disabled Jump Course]\par Element=etDisabledJumpCourse\par TypeHomo=Ranking\par Stations=Polar\par Unit=Minute-Second Degrees\par Distance St1-St2=\par Distance St1-St3=\par Distance St2-St3=\par UseBuoyRadius=0\par 15pg=;;0.2200;\par 19pg=;;0.2200;\par 210m=31.3419;94.2600;0.2200;\par 180m=45.3039;71.4720;0.2200;\par 150m=69.1746;56.3760;0.2200;\par 10st=141.1570;75.1470;0.2200;\par 15st=144.2855;72.3050;0.2200;\par 19st=147.0946;70.2410;0.2200;\par 10mt=159.5930;149.6260;0.2200;\par 15mt=161.4916;148.1980;0.2200;\par 19mt=163.1945;147.1430;0.2200;\par 10et=163.3811;189.0210;0.2200;\par 15et=165.0609;187.9860;0.2200;\par 19et=166.1756;187.1820;0.2200;\par 15ec=167.3531;236.1140;0.2200;\par 19ec=168.3234;235.5700;0.2200;\par R1=154.1359;144.2580;;\par R2=155.5035;142.8030;;\par R=155.0154;143.5230;;\par \par [Audio Slalom Course]\par Element=etAudioSlalomCourse\par TypeHomo=Ranking\par Stations=Polar\par Unit=Minute-Second Degrees\par Distance St1-St2=\par Distance St1-St3=\par Distance St2-St3=\par UseBuoyRadius=0\par G1=;;0.2000;\par G2=;;0.2000;\par B1=;;0.2200;\par B2=;;0.2200;\par B3=;;0.2200;\par B4=;;0.2200;\par B5=;;0.2200;\par B6=;;0.2200;\par PG1=;;0.2200;\par PG2=;;0.2200;\par AudioSlalomRopeDeviations=|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|;|\par \par [Video Jump Buoys]\par Element=etVideoJump\par TypeHomo=Ranking\par JumpDirection=Right\par Stations=Polar\par Unit=Minute-Second Degrees\par Distance St1-St2=\par Distance St1-St3=\par Distance St2-St3=\par UseBuoyRadius=0\par A=145.5156;156.6890;0.2200;\par B=161.5946;150.0240;0.2200;\par C=148.1108;177.1580;0.2200;\par D=163.2254;164.6670;0.2200;\par E=149.5021;194.8480;0.2200;\par F=165.5114;170.3250;0.2200;\par G=152.0500;218.9300;0.2200;\par H=164.5910;186.0410;0.2200;\par Cam1=180.0000;150.0000;;\par Cam2=180.0000;170.0000;;\par R1=154.1359;144.2580;;\par R2=155.5035;142.8030;;\par R=155.0154;143.5230;;\par 15st=144.2855;72.3050;0.2200;\par 15mt=161.4916;141.1890;0.2200;\par 15et=165.0609;187.9860;0.2200;\par 20m=156.2844;166.0370;0.2200;\par 30m=157.1906;173.4640;0.2200;\par 40m=148.1108;177.1508;0.2200;\par 50m=;;0.2200;\par 60m=;;0.2200;\par 70m=;;0.2200;\par 80m=;;0.2200;\par Axe=Cam1 - Cam2\par \par [Options]\par ViewStyle=0\par \par \par }